Safeguarding at St Thomas More
At St Thomas More, safeguarding is our top priority and is everyone’s responsibility. This means that we will always prioritise ensuring that children are safe and their wellbeing is supported.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined in Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 (DfE) as:
- protecting children from maltreatment
- preventing the impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development
- ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and
- taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
Everyone in the school community must consider at all time what is in the best interests of the child and is responsible for safeguarding. This includes:
- all staff
- parents
- governors
- pupils
- visitors
Our members of staff who lead on safeguarding are known as Designated Safeguarding Leads. They are Mrs Collins, Mrs Staines and Mrs Hoare. They are here to listen to concerns, support children and families and engage with other services in order to ensure children are as safe as possible in and out of school. Please contact Mrs Collins, Mrs Staines or Mrs Hoare if you have any concerns about a child. You can contact them by ringing the school (024 76 849 910) or emailing via the admin email address (
The named Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Amanda Kelly, who can also be contacted via the admin email.
How we help to safeguard children at St Thomas More
Children can approach any member of staff if they are worried or something is wrong and know that they will be listened to an action will be taken if necessary.
Children know that Mrs Hoare, Mrs Staines and Mrs Collins are Safeguarding Leads and they can approach them if they are worried or something is wrong as well as any other member of staff.
Through the PSHE, RSE and Computing curricula, children are taught age appropriate ways for how to stay safe.
Events such as Anti-Bullying Week, Internet Safety Day and Children’s Mental health Week are observed and supplement the work that goes on in school and through the curriculum.
Safeguarding policies, such as the Anti-Bullying Policy, the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and the Behaviour Management Policy, are regularly reviewed and updated. Policies that relate to safeguarding can be found on the Policies page of our website.
All staff receive annual safeguarding training, with further ‘top up’ training throughout the year. Designated Safeguarding Leads regularly attend more specialised safeguarding training and Local Authority Safeguarding Briefings.
All safeguarding concerns and any actions taken are recorded on CPOMs, which is monitored half termly.
Safeguarding information is frequently shared with parents via the school newsletter. This could include e-safety information, preventative or reactive information regarding events in school or locally and signposting to avenues of support in the local community.
The school works closely with other safeguarding and/or support agencies, such as Early Help, MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) and the police.
Governors regularly receive Safeguarding Reports to allow them to hold the school to account in discharging its safeguarding responsibilities.
How you can help to safeguard our children
If you have any concerns regarding the safeguarding or wellbeing of a child, please speak to any member of staff. Alternatively you can ask to speak to Mrs Hoare, Mrs Staines or Mrs Collins directly. It is always better to raise a concern earlier rather than later and it is always better to be safe than sorry, so please do talk to a member of staff as soon as you become concerned.
If you believe a child is being harmed or is at risk of harm it is imperative that you report your concerns. A referral to MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) can be made by phoning 024 76 788 555 or by completing a MARF (Multi-Agency Referral Form) which can be found here. If you feel the child is in immediate danger, call 999 as well as referring to MASH.
Online safety can be a challenging area for parents and carers to navigate. Make sure you know how to keep your child safe while using devices outside of school. There are lots of places to find information (see below for some ideas)
There are lots of places where support can be sought or you can find out more information.
MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) 024 76 788 555
The Early Help Hub for St Thomas More Catholic Primary School is the Aspire Hub at Gosford School, Humber Avenue, Coventry. CV1 2SF, 024 76 978 100.
Childline 08001111
NSPCC (National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children)
Coventry Haven Women’s Aid 0800 111 998
Respect Men’s Advice Line 0808 801 0327
National Online Safety gives information on how to keep your child safe online.
Carers Trust Young Carers gives information on supporting children who have caring responsibilities.
Information about Young Carers in Coventry can be found here.
Coventry Drug and Alcohol Service provide advice and/or support for adults and young people whose lives are affected by drugs or alcohol.
Young Minds support young people to improve their mental health.
Coventry Prevent working to prevent young people become radicalised and/or involved in terrorism