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The Year 2 Team.

Mrs Swan– Year 2 Class Teacher

Mrs Smith– Learning Assistant (Monday to Wednesday am – working across Yr1 & Yr2)

Mrs Malik – Learning Assistant (Thursday and Friday – working across Yr1 and Yr2)

Mrs Mullin – HTLA (Tuesday PM)

Mr Brown – Sports Coach


Key Information

PE: Tuesday

Children to come to school dressed in full PE kit


Children will be given a Read Write Inc book, an additional book at their reading level and a library book each week. You MUST sign your child’s book in order to have it changed.


Homework will be set each week on Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday.

Spellings will be tested on a Thursday.



Making Learning Fun!

We are excited about our learning this term. We will be learning our new classroom routines with a big focus on our school behaviour system, and our school rules: READY, RESPECTFUL, SAFE, as these will help us to develop positive behaviour for learning which underpins everything that we do. We passionately believe in active learning in Year 2 and aim to make our classroom fun, so that we even forget we are learning.



Reading is the key to learning, and we shall be reading our Read Write Inc books daily in school. Children are encouraged to read aloud to an accomplished reader at home every day, to further practice this crucial learning skill. This can be any family member, including older siblings. Please sign your child’s book each time that they read, and we shall change their book at least once a week. Please ensure your child has their reading book in school every day. There are incentives in class for children to read at home.


We are focussing on grammar for writing this half term and completing a writing unit called ‘The Dragon’s Egg’. At home, to help develop stamina for writing, copying passages of writing from storybooks is a great way to build hand muscle strength and handwriting. Any kind of writing is fantastic, be it shopping lists, making story books, letters, or typing on a laptop, so please encourage as many opportunities to write as possible.


Children should enter Year 2, knowing how to spell most of the Year 1 common exception words. We shall be learning the Year 2 common exception words and setting spellings from the Read Write Inc spelling programme, which follow phonetic patterns.

Spellings are set on a Friday and children have a spelling test each Thursday. Please help your child to prepare by practising regularly.




We are learning place value of numbers, addition and subtraction and shape. In addition, we shall be practising our X2, X3, X5 and X10 times tables.

Homework is set in their maths book every Friday. The page number that needs completing is highlighted. Please send their book back into school by Wednesday.

Children can also practise times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars and on Numbots.

Optional SATS

During May 2025, your child will sit the optional SATS tests in reading, grammar, punctuation, spelling and maths. These tests will aid us in assessing your child’s progress at the end of Key Stage 1.

Further information for parents can be found on the BBC website,  

Enhanced Curriculum

In Geography, we are exploring ‘Our Community’. We are studying and making maps and will be doing field work in our own community.

We shall be embarking on a Dragonology Quest (more details to follow) and offering a bedtime reading session.